Our Services

Our Business Continuity Management services help organizations implement effective BCM initiatives. We realize that most organizations in our market are either just starting on BCM or are grappling with the early phases of BCM.

We can help you to quickly and effectively roll out your BCM program. Our services are delivered by professionally qualified, internationally recognized consultants, available locally.

Our current Services include:

  1. Current BCM state assessment (Benchmarking against good practices)
  2. BCM Policy Framework Formulation
  3. Risk assessment and related mitigation and control measures
  4. Carrying out BCM Project to develop these plans:
    • Operations Recovery plan(s)
    • IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
    • Incident or Crisis Management Plan
    • Support Plans
    • Work space plan.
    • Critical records and documents plan
  5. Test and Exercise the plans
  6. Training recovery teams on their plan.
  7. BCM Reviews and Audit
  8. Business Continuity Program Support.
  9. BCM Solutions through local and external partners