Business Continuity Management (BCM) is not just about disaster recovery, crisis management, risk management or Information Technology. It is a business issue. It presents you with an opportunity to review the way your organization performs its processes, to improve procedures and practices and increase resilience to interruption and loss. To quote the Business Continuity Institute, the professional body for BCM:
Business Continuity Institute
“Business Continuity Management is the process of anticipating incidents which
will affect critical functions and activities of the organization, and ensuring
response to any such incident in a planned and rehearsed manner”
Our Business Continuity Management methodology is based on:
- Best Practice Guidelines of the Business Continuity Institute (The BCI).
- The Generally Accepted Practices (GAP) for Business Continuity Practitioners by The Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII).
- ISO 22301:2019-BCMS–Requirements, which has been adapted by the BCI.
- Central Bank of Kenya prudential guideline CBK/PG/14 on Business Continuity Management which is a reference document for Banks regulated by the CBK.
A realistic objective is to ensure the survival of your “Mission Critical” functions by establishing processes that will identify and manage those operational risks that could result into:
- Inability to maintain customer services
- Damage to image, reputation or brand
- Failure to protect the assets
- Failure to control core business/operation
- Failure to meet legal or regulatory requirements
- Adverse impacts from the inevitable dependence on ICT infrastructure.
- Adverse political consequences from extended outage